Do you own a physical shop and you wish to open up a virtual version of it to allow more people to know your brand? Great idea! What you will need is a website, more specifically an e-commerce website in order to make transactions with your customers. Having a website is a huge step forward for your business, although, you need to make sure it is properly built to attract prospects and boost your business. There are thousands of e-commerce websites on the internet and you need to make sure your website is in the spotlight in order to attract new customers.
What are the tips to use to increase traffic on your e-commerce website?
Research proved that 90% of the website not getting high traffic is design related. Indeed, the visual aspect of your website is crucial to attract more customers, for a well-built website will obviously be more appealing than a poorly designed website. Another way you can get a better visibility is to make sure your brand is present and noticeable on social media. It is a fact that most people tend to adopt a specific website or brand based on recommendations from family or friends. The more present your brand is on social media, the more traffic you will get on your website. One other way to boost your website is by building a strong reputation for your brand. If your physical shop is well known for the quality of its goods and services, it makes it easier to be trusted online. For more tips you can read our detailed article on the subject.
How long does it take an e-commerce website to really takeoff?
There isn’t a predefined period of time for this. Your website can become very successful in a very short period of time, or it could take years. It all depends on the attention given to it. You need to be patient and keep constantly upgrading and evolving website in order to keep a sense of novelty for your regular customers and the future ones.